Konnichiwa everyone!!! Sorry I've been away from the blog for quite sometime. Been busy. Just wanted to wish everyone a happy new year. If you're going out tonight please be safe.
I will probably get approached by someone, and be told that what I'm going through is a phase. In other words, they would be telling me that my preference for Asian men is a phase. If someone were to tell me that I wouldn't really get it at all. The reason is because what kind of "phase" would they be talking about?
I would like to start off saying that this is not a phase at all, and second, if this were to be a phase, how come I have had this preference for the last 5 to 7 years now? I would consider this to be too long to be called a "phase". So why not have the courage to have the preference that I have? I can't really see myself marrying and/or having a lifetime relationship with anyone else, but an Asian man. That's just me.
So yes! I may get told this, but so what! I'm not going to live my life by what/how the society says I should live it, nor am I going to change to prove my "blackness" to anyone. I don't have to do that, and I'm not going to.
So I really don't care! People can talk all they want!
Another place in East Asia with the most sexiest gorgeous Asian men has to be Seoul, South Korea. I might go there to visit. If I do go there to visit I will probably be like WHOA! I will have a much bigger chance with seeing sexy HOT, gorgeous Asian guys if I go to these places in East Asia. I guess you can say I would be like a kid in a candy store! LOLOL!!! I can definitely meet an Asian guy in this part of the world, and think for a second "He's so gorgeous and attractive" an then there will be other Asian guys around me! Imagine that!!
Now I've never been to Seoul, Tokyo, Hong Kong or any of these places in these other countries. I'm not sure but I've heard that these are some pretty big cities, especially Tokyo for the fact that its one of the fashion capitals in the world.
And like I said, and I will say it again. I plan to live in Tokyo, Japan and while I'm there, I will be surrounded by Asian (Japanese) guys!!
Oh how I loooove these styles! They're soo sexy, and they look great. Asian men sure can rock some cute, sexy gorgeous looks, when it comes to their hair!! SEXY!!!
Here's another video about the Blasian (Asian man/Black woman) couple. Fidea is a Tanzanian woman, who's been living in Japan for 12 years, and she is now married with a 2-year-old daughter. You can watch the video, and read the story. I'm so happy to see more and more Blasian couples today-particularly Asian men/Black women couples.
Here's the link below: http://www.japanprobe.com/2008/02/24/video-a-tanzanian-womans-life-in-japan/
Wow!!! Asian men not only look great and sexy with the other hairstyles they wear. They can also look great, and rock ethnic hairstyles sometimes, too.
Hi I'm Tokyo, I am a Fashion Design major. I love everything about fashion, especially the many different types of fashion trends that are out there in the fashion industry....