These guys are so gorgeous, and they look great, especially the first top pic of the guy wearing all this nice fur. Perfect for fashion, and the fall/winter season.
He's so sexy, and he looks great. I love how he looks!!
I guess you can say I am living my life in a "mist." should I say this?
I am starting to know more about South Korea, now as well as North Korea from watching Arirang, and the Korean drama channel on TV. I now know how sexy, gorgeous and wonderful the men in South Korea are. I didn't know how gorgeous these guys are, until I found out about their culture, and started learning more about it. Whenever I see a gorgeous, sexy South Korean guy (i.e. Bi Rain, Se7en, etc.) its like I'm in a trance. Wow!! So fucking gorgeous!
Those sexy dark slanted eyes! That sexy dark yellow caramel skin of theirs! Oh how I love the really straight black hair! Its so gorgeous!
I would say East Asians are true beauties. They're very gorgeous people, especially the men. I have definitely learned something from this. Just like the other countries in East Asia (Japan, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, etc.) Korea has some sexy gorgeous, wonderful men, and they're great to look at just like other East Asian men are.
Konnichiwa everyone! Which means 'Hi' in Japanese!!
I'm sorry I haven't been here in a while! I've been really busy with some personal stuff. I'm almost done, and I'm able to come back on the blog, now to post. I hope you're all enjoying my blog and my postings. I'll be back with more.
Shin is not only a great actor, but he would also be a great male model, too (if he were to model). He's very gorgeous and so attractive!! He's wonderful and nice to look at! He's as sexy and attractive as Justin Chon.
Not to mention that he was also in the Disney Channel movie, 'Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior!' (if I didn't mention it in my last post about him)
Wow! What a gorgeous ad for men's style. I'm guessing it also has to do with boxing, too the way he's posing in this pic. ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE TATTOOS!!! He looks very sexy with them. This ad is perfect ad. We need more Asian male ads like this, and the ones I've posted in the past.
This Picture is from somewhere in East Asia! I like this picture, and I had to post it up. East Asians seem to be doing very well in being fashionable. The guys are able to be sexy, while doing it.
I loooove this sexy ad that Rain did. It makes me want a can of Pepsi. He did an awesome job with this. Not to mention that this is my mother's fav soda. She loves Pepsi more than she Coke. Coke aka CocaCola is my fav soda to drink behind Sprite/7UP/Sierra Mist/Mountain Dew. I like this sodas better then I like Pepsi.
I would love to see Rain, Miyavi or any other Asian guy do a sexy ad like this for CocaCola.
Here are more K-Pop (Korean) artists! These groups seem to be awesome great artists. I've never listened to any of their songs/music, but I think I may give them a try.
These are the artists: KRY (top pic) and Big Bang (Bottom pic)! They're all very SEXY!!!!
Hi I'm Tokyo, I am a Fashion Design major. I love everything about fashion, especially the many different types of fashion trends that are out there in the fashion industry....