Who would you guys rather see on TV and in movies? They're BOTH very good looking sexy guys. But Bi Rain is of course sexier, better looking and MORE attractive, and I LOVE seeing him in movies and on TV. I love all his dramas and I know some of you would agree with me. Rain's movies are great and I especially love his movies Full House, A Love To Kill and Ninja Assassin. He looked very SEXY in those videos and I loved Naomie Harris in the movie Ninja Assassin. Her and Rain were great together!! :-)
The photo of Alex is from the movie Beastly playing his role as Kyle Kingston.
So whom would you rather see on the screen? Would you rather see Bi Rain or Alex Pettyfer?
Konnichiwa everyone!! Sorry I haven't been on here much I've been really busy. I've finally found not one, but two nice jobs. I'm very happy and excited about that. However, I'm here and back with another post about something and I feel that this should be discussed and talked about. So here's the post below. Have any of you guys ever wondered why some parents would tell their child/children that their first boyfriend or girlfriend should be the same race as they are? If so, what do you think about it? Do you think its right for parents to say that? Or do you(like me) think that its wrong? I think its very wrong for the fact that race shouldn't matter. If you love a person and they love you, treat you right, respect and cherish you, then the race of the person doesn't matter. If you enjoy someone's company, you find them to be very attractive and they're fun and great to go out with/be with it shouldn't matter. It seems to me that in this day and age a lot of people(especially black women) still get a harder time about dating outside the race, which could be the reason why some people don't do it. I have to say this; it's 2012 and people have a right to date/be with/marry anyone that they want. It's their choice and they should have the right to do it. I would be really upset if my parents or a relative of mine were to tell me that my first boyfriend would have to be within my race(black) and that I can't date outside the race. Not that I would care or anything, because I'm still going to date who I like and who I prefer to date and be with. But it would still be upsetting to me, because to me it's racist. It's racist for parents to tell their children that, and they should be allowed to make their own choices on who they want to date. It's the person's choice whether or not they want to "venture" and go outside the race. Not the parents. So what do you think? If you're black, white or whatever and your parents were to say something similar like that to you. What would you think? Would you think that that's wrong? I know my answer to that is YES!! That is wrong and I don't agree with it. Parents should respect their son/daughter's choice and respect her preferences/attractions to other men even if they don't agree with it. They shouldn't put them down for it and make these kinds of comments. They should accept them as they are, and if they really love their child/children(which I'm hoping they do) then they would just accept them as they are and allow them to make their own choices for who they want to date regardless of race. I feel that any woman of any race, who has a serious genuine attraction to East Asian men should pursue it. If that's what you really want and you love East Asian men then by all means. Go on ahead and date them. I'm sure going to, because I have a genuine interest and attraction to them as well as their cultures. They're down to earth and are very SEXY!!! So what do you guys think about how some parents are telling their kids that their first boyfriend/girlfriend will have to be within their race? And that they can't date outside the race? You know just basically forcing them to ONLY date within the race and not allowing them to make that choice for themselves.
How do you feel about that? Because it doesn't matter and it shouldn't matter to some people. FEEL FREE TO LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS DOWN BELOW!!
Just leave me your thoughts about this, because I would like to know. I've heard of this happening and that's why I had to put this post up, because this is something that really needs to be discussed. Until next time I'll talk to you guys later! Sayonara for now!! Tokyo!!
Hi I'm Tokyo, I am a Fashion Design major. I love everything about fashion, especially the many different types of fashion trends that are out there in the fashion industry....