What's the most attractive feature on Asian men?
Is it the height? WRONG!
Is it the athletic built? WRONG!
Is it their gorgeous light skin? WRONG!
Is it their hair? The gorgeous sexy really straight dark (black) hair? WRONG!
Is it their eyes? Those beautiful sexy dark slanted eyes? YES!
The eyes are the most attractive feature on Asian men. The eyes of the Chinese, Korean, Japanese!! I would say that this is a unique trait and characteristics of these men, and that it probably can't be found in any other race of people, unless they're either half Asian or have Asian ancestry. You can definitely tell by looking at these guys, what culture they're from.
However, I do see that this is a problem in the entertainment and modeling industry in America. I say that, because there are not enough Asian guys with these features represented in the media. Atleast not enough compared to Caucasians being in the media.
Asian men are gifted and very talented. Not to mention being very attractive, and we should have more of them in the entertainment industry and in the modeling industry in America. You know, like singing, acting, and all of that good stuff, and modeling fashion that's geared towards men.
Its also unfortunate that we see negative stereotypes about Asian men and Asian people in general. Just like we see a whole bunch of negative stereotypes about Blacks in America. No one deserves to be stereotyped negatively like that. We should all be represented in a positive light.
But this is another blog dedicated to Asian men, and I'll be back with more!
I'm Tokyo!
Sayonara for now!
i just like asian men no questions asked !!!! XXD the pictures are awesome
ReplyDeleteMel, MaskedLives = P